Congratulations to our blushing brides

Congratulations to our two newly weds this year: Brooke and Nancy.

Sandy & Blanca’s Colombian Adventure

About three years ago, Blanca was telling me that in Colombia there are no emergency shelters for abused women (places like Interval House in Hamilton) and how she wanted to try and do something about that. Realizing that you ‘can’t put the cart before the horse,’ we knew that you must have people living in Colombia lobbying for those changes. That is where organizations like Soroptimist International can be truly instrumental in helping to bring about those changes. 

Blanca and I decided that is how we could work towards making changes in Colombia and we devised a plan to go there to establish a Soroptimist Club. Our first meeting of the future Soroptimist International Club of Cali was attended by 13 enthusiastic prospects.

Read Sandy & Blanca’s full story >>

Sandy Gray and Blanca Peñaon journeyed on an unforgettable trip to Colombia, South America last November. Photos are coming!

Welcome to our New Members

Nancy hosted a wonderful potluck dinner in her backyard for our end of year party. President Kerry welcomed our two new members!