Christine’s bio

Hello, my name is Christine Aarlaht and I am a certified auto mechanic/ technician by trade, head mechanic and owner of CT & G Automotive specialists. So, I guess you might be wondering what brought me to the Soroptimist DAF organization in the first place. I had been looking to join a volunteer organization for some time and by chance came across the SIDAF at an awards ceremony. After listening to some women speak, I was “blown away” with all that these women have accomplished for women and girls in our communities. I said to myself….”I want to be part of that”. I joined SIDAF in January of 2012 and am currently on the fundraising committee.

I feel privileged enough to have been born into the most loving family and a free democratic country called Canada. I realize that it’s not that way for many women and girls in the world and even in our own community. For this reason and so much more…..I wanted to be a part of making a difference in the lives of others and be a positive influence wherever I can.

I love animals and have a Siberian husky by the name of Reaper! I love to cook, garden and fish….and when I’m not home you can find me working on or riding cars, trucks and motorcycles.

Posted in SI-DAF Members.